It is recommended to wear both a Face Shield and a Mask to provide maximum protection against the risk of transmission of Covid-19. According to the Health guidelines face masks should be used as the default and compulsory item, but face shields can provide additional protection, especially for the eyes.
Whilst the face mask protects your nose and mouth from droplets that may contain virus particles, the face shield protects your eyes and other parts of the face from said droplets. It also prevents face masks from getting wet. Other advantages of the shield include that it can be cleaned easily. It may also helps in stopping people from adjusting their masks or touching their faces.
For optimum use of the shield, make sure your whole face is covered, from ear to ear and forehead to chin. There should also be no gaps between the securing headpiece and the plastic shield.

Specific groups can wear face shields in place of face masks. This includes teachers as it might not be practical for them to wear face masks while teaching. Those with medical conditions which prevent them from wearing face masks, such as those with breathing difficulties, can also use the face shield instead.
Another group of people who might benefit from face shields are people who are exercising outdoors (jogging, running, cycling, etc) and find wearing a face mask uncomfortable and hampering with breathing.
Wearing protection such as face shields and face masks are advised alongside safe distancing and good personal hygiene to combat the risk of the virus.
Children, 12 years of age and under, are also allowed to continue wearing faceshields, once schools are reopened ,where shields might be more comfortable.

Polaroid Face Shields and Goggles are now available in-store and online. Buy one today, available in adults and kids sizes.